
A Facial with Jennie

At every facial your skin will be assessed and you will be introduced to products that will feed your skin with nutrition. Choose from a Deep Cleanse, A Dermaplane or the Gua Sha Facial Infusion, there is something for every skin type. Every facial includes cleansing, exfoliating. masking, steaming, massage….getting the blood circulating and letting your skin glow! Choose from the facials below or let Jennie design a facial specially for you.

Need to get your skin in tip top shape, its worth heading over to Jennie’s shop to purchase a package of facials and to peruse some lovely products for that get set glow vibe!

The Deep Cleanse Facial

This is an intensive deep clean which utilises enzymes to clean and exfoliate the skin. Steam and masks will soften and melt away black heads and comedones. The treatment can include one of the following: a pore minimiser mask, light therapy or galvanic current, the treatment path will be decided at consultation.

The Dermaplane Facial
Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure using a scalpel to exfoliate the epidermis and rid the skin of vellus hair (peach fuzz). It will leave your skin super smooth, refreshed and glowing.

Please use the drop down menu’s for my Osmosis facials targeting different concerns and my advanced facials.

Gua Sha Facial Fusion

Welcome to the world of Zen. This is pure peace and harmony, where we take time to slow down.

This is a facial rejuvenation therapy based on the traditions of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

Combined with connective tissue facial massage, it gives immediate noticeable results in the appearance of fine lines, deep wrinkles, dark circles, puffy eyes and sagging skin.

If you are looking for a natural, non-invasive and effective pro-aging treatment, this is the treatment for you.