Stop Aggressively Peeling your Skin…please.

I listened to a podcast recently by the founder and formulator of Osmosis, and my goodness he speaks a lot of sense and fully fits what I have been telling clients for a long time now.


“The reason why traumatic procedures as a general rule, work is they cause inflammation. Inflammation causes swelling, swelling causes tightening, and tightening makes you think you just got younger. And so, it’s a very confusing picture because, yes, you come out from an aggressive chemical peel a week later, and you’re like, “Whoa, I’m less pigmented, more even skin tone. My wrinkles look better. Everything is peachy.”
Now, was it a pretty rough week? Probably, if you had a chemical peel, but the end of it what do you see? You see skin that is in recovery. Skin that has suffered more DNA damage as a result of that procedure. And no new net gain in collagen. The studies are a bit confusing too because they tend to measure collagen production right after they burn the bejesus out of skin. Well guess what, if you measure collagen production right after you burn it, it’s up. It’s elevated. That’s what the skin does in its repair response, the skin is not going, “Thanks for burning me. I’m going to make your wrinkles better now.” It’s saying, “Oh, geez, we’ve suffered a pretty significant burn, let’s do our best to get a 90% recovery.”

I mean, that’s what literally the scientific research shows is that your wound response is never 100%. It’s certainly not 110% like some people would suggest.

And so, you have a net loss from that tightening experience you had”.

Dr Ben Johnson.

So it’s interesting that it’s still so popular, and I see alot of clients who have been having monthly peels, and their skin has not improved, that is when I can hopefully step in, do a thorough consultation and really get to the route of the issues, and it’s not always pricey products and treatments, but it is a commitment to learn about your health, your lifestyle and why your skin is misbehaving. It all can be diagnosed and treated.





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