Ditch the Facial Wipes for Good…

cleansing wipes

I have always said that cleansing wipes are better than nothing but i am going to take that back. I actually think it is better to sleep in make-up than use a wipe….There i said it, the facialist who promotes the double cleanse technique daily has said you can sleep in make up!!!!

Well not quite…but if it means you may think twice about using your facial wipe, please read on!

I started to see a really big link between my clients who were suffering from breakouts and acne prone skin and the use of cleansing wipes. Clients who were suffering with their skin were not keen on trying new products because of the risk of making their skin worse…but at the same time they were coming to see me for the alternatives. So the position i take is throw the wipes away, and this is to everyone, even if you think your skin is in good nic…i think over time your skin will age…you need to get into good cleansing habits now. Clients and friends will always say to me that i have a good skin and i do truly believe its down to my mum who sent me for teenage Clarin’s facials regularly and i would always use a Clarin’s cleanser and toner from being about 14. It was instilled in me, my mum has fab skin too. So i do believe its important to educate our kids on skincare. If your skin feels good, you feel good. Its our biggest organ so we need to look after it.

When looking into this blog i came across a few good analogies..Mona Gohara, dermatologist described the process of cleansing with facial wipes, “the equivalent of swirling dirty toilet water around your bathroom”, or skipping the rinse cycle of your laundry, Cleansing agents are designed to break down debris within the pores, but it’s the rinsing action that actually removes it.” So it did astound me on the back of cleansing wipes it will often state that no rinsing is required…that seems totally absurd to me!

So cleansing wipes contain high levels of preservatives, alcohol and anti-bacterial agents to keep them usable.

These harsh synthetics are then rubbed vigorously into the skin, particularly around the delicate and extra-thin eye area.

As well as irritation, high levels of alcohol can also cause extreme dryness and premature ageing.

So not only are you putting harsh ingredients on to the skin, you are also moving your makeup around your skin, with no rinsing, your skin is not being properly cleaned and you’re then transferring that gunk to your pillow, which then gets transferred back to your skin, and on and on the cycle goes, leading to breakouts, blackheads, irritation, and, oh, did I mention wrinkles?

So know your ingredients. Paiskincare has listed these as the main culprits:

– Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol (irritants)
– Parabens
– Phenoxyethanol (irritant)
– 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1, 3-Dio (potent anti-microbial agent that carries the highest hazard rating, 8-10, on the skin.

So please if you want clearer skin, ditch the wipes. If you want more youthful skin, ditch the wipes, if you want to keep pigmentation at bay ditch the wipes.

For advise on cleansers drop me a message and i will happily recommend xx

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