The Holy Trinity


I always dip into Fay Ripley’s family food cook book and its so simple and easy, She often refers to the ‘holy trinity’ of an Italian sauce being carrot, onion and celery. This little combo always sticks in my mind when cooking, not only because it is a great combination that really works but also great for getting those veggies into my 2 children! It is the foundation to a great recipe, the starting point to a great sauce.

I also believe there is a ‘holy trinity’ of skincare. Even though i am constantly mixing things up, adding in different ingredients to my routine, I am always seeking the best combo’s whether it be retinols, Vit C, Hylauronic acid but i will always have a foundation, a starting point. The 3 things i swear by, my holy trinity, my mantra for good skin: sleep, water and spf. It’s not rocket size, and most facialists, beauticians i think would agree. It is what I tell every client who complains of dry skin, it is more often not dry but dehydrated. Hydrate with water (preferably filtered) protect it, If we don’t wear SPF (minimum factor 30) the UVA and UVB will damage our skin, everything from skin aging to skin cancer and finally sleep to restore and rejuvenate.

My next blog is about my skincare essentials for great skin whilst camping and how we must pack in the anti oxidants to protect from the elements!BeautySleep

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